Cable Huston assists public and private sector clients with matters concerning municipal, industrial, and irrigation water uses, including permitting and development. We work with the Oregon Water Resources Department on the appropriation of surface and ground water, transfers, diversions, in-stream uses, and dam safety. We also represent clients in contested-case proceedings before Oregon’s Water Resources Commission.
We handle legislative matters concerning water resources, rulemaking, and permitting before several state agencies, including the Water Resources Department, Oregon State Health Division, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of State Lands, and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, as well as federal agencies such as the United States Army Corps of Engineers, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Marine Fisheries Service.
Representative Clients
- City of Adair Village
- City of Corvallis, Oregon
- City of Cottage Grove, Oregon
- City of Hermiston, Oregon
- Eugene Water & Electric Board
- Joint Water Commission (Beaverton, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Tigard, and Tualatin Valley Water District)
- McMinnville Water & Light Commission
- Rockwood Water People’s Utility District
- Tualatin Valley Water District