Jon Monson and Nikki Abercrombie Co-Author Oregon BarBook Chapter on Attorney Advocacy and Ethics in Arbitration
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 / by Cable Huston / General
Cable Huston partner Jon W. Monson and associate Nicole A.W. Abercrombie recently co-authored a new chapter on Attorney Advocacy and Ethics in Arbitration for the “ADR in Oregon” BarBook published by the Oregon State Bar. The new chapter provides an overview of the ethical considerations at play when representing a party as a lawyer in an arbitration.
The Oregon State Bar’s BarBooks publication is an invaluable research tool for Oregon attorneys. BarBooks cover a range of topics and practice areas and are drafted by preeminent attorneys in each area’s respective field. BarBooks are available online for free to all active or pro bono members of the Oregon State Bar at the following website: Hard copies are also published and available for purchase directly from the Bar.